Mar 30, 2010

Welcome to the boys club

Everything with the new apartment is wonderful! The boys, the Mark Texiera Bar, my estrogen filled, pink room- it's all amazing. I actually LOVE coming home to my two favorite idiots and watching TV all night.

After explaining the new digs with many different people (before I moved in) I got two general impressions about moving in with dudes; Women thought it was a great idea. We all saw eye-to-eye on the "not taking things personally when arguing about cleaning" front. Guys, however, always gave me a,"uuuhhh... really think about moving in with guys". Upon further questioning, they just wouldn't answer. I always got a, "just really think about it".

Now, after a month, I think I'm starting to get what they were talking about. Although they're really great, decently clean and funny as all hell, living with boys completely screws with your head... at least when it comes to other boys. All the over analyzing I usually do is now over totally different things! And this is that I consider myself an exceptionally cool chick. There's no more, "what did this mean", or "what was he trying to say with that silence", instead, I'm sitting here wondering if my entire approach to men has been wrong all along!

But what happens when you actually meet a presumably really great guy? What if all the things that freak out my roomies (commitment of any sort, monogamy, meeting the parents, vacations, etc.) would in no way freak out the newbie? What if for once, this very guy is actually what he seems to be from the get-go, and all this "alpha male" input just manifests into relationship self doubt? He, after all, MUST think I'm amazing just as I am- should I really let my new found skepticism get in the way? I mean they can't all turn out to be idiots, right? Right?

Oye vey.

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